Sunday, May 17, 2009

I have Nothing Remotely Interesting to Say......

And that pretty much sums it up. You would probably think, based on my extensive blogging on this site, that the only things I do are ride around on a motorcycle and make fun of alternative lifestyle penguins. Well, that's not true. I do lots of other things, but those happen to be the only only interesting things I do. I worked yesterday (Sat) and have already worked about 6 hrs today (Sun) and have another meeting at 7:30 PM tonight, because I'm just really cool like that. People ask me "when you have to work weekends like that, don't they give you time off during the week?" I smile and say "yes, they would if I worked in the land of rainbows and unicorns, but unfortunately I work in the real world. Rainbows and unicorns get to go to fantasyland, but the trolls have to stay here. And that's who I work for."

Ciao Baby,